Saturday, September 3, 2011

Simple... so divine (with some new improvements)

"If this wind is able to grasp my feelings,
then I would simply give it to it
and ask it to breath by you...,

If this water is able to dissolve my feelings,
then I would fill each drop of water with my love
and ask it to drink by you...,

If you are able to listen birds singing,
then you will find they convey my love message…,

If you look at the rose in the early morning,
your touch to the moisture on it, will be as warm as my feelings…

If you are able to listen the suppressed music pattern in metro traffic,
that much deep I feel for you...,

If you look at the trees in the full wind,
they dance fully because they know what I feel for you...,

If you are able to listen my heartbeats..,
you do not have to go ask to above elements...,

Because they convey you,
what my heart feels for you...

this would be my love-poem...,
when I want to write for you..."

                           (Written long back on a beautiful rainy night…)

            Just imagine a simple man, an ordinary middle class person who daily starts office at 9 carrying small bag along and returns at evening 6. He is not so good looking, not so strong physique, not with so good fashion-sense and not with extra qualities. His tongue falters when he has to encounter with any girl. He does not know dreamy star-moon romantic DDLJ dialogues. He doesn’t know about rock or jazz. He does not play guitar. He can’t write love-poems. He is not even good at effective articulation. We all must have seen this guy in our daily life. Can this ordinary man have an extra-ordinary love story? What is so special about this guy? Let’s just figure out.

He is not so good looking but his pure mind makes everything look good to him. He does not have strong physique but his convicted faith is his biggest power. He is not so good at fashion but his love is his only passion. He doesn’t have extra qualities but he knows one thing: To unconditionally dissolve the self completely into love. He doesn’t know much about rock/pop/jazz, but he can very well understand the rhythm of her heartbeats. He does not know how to dance but whenever he sees her smile, his each red-white cell of his blood dance like beautiful flowers hangs in the first rain of the season. He does not know Chikni chupdi baatein but knows to talk simple and to the point. He does not know to pretend because he is simple and honest [not only to others, but himself]. He is not good at loud heavy words but silent simple actions (unlike our politicians). He doesn’t walk around with a burden of expectations/conditions from his partner in his mind. He just takes whatever comes as is. Those girls, who are impressed by hot looks, bike riding and crazy outfits, yell insanely: ‘Oh.... He is so hot.... so handsome...’ Compared to that macho guy, a simple ordinary lover will always look low-profile and dumb. Aaah!! It’s so boring!!! Their yelling is loud but shallow just like their life. Come on!!!! We are not purchasing sexy outfits on 50% Sale; this is all damn about our life.  They haven’t tested an experience of one simple and gentle touch of reliable and trusted hand like it is always there to make you happy. That wonderful sentence is absolutely worth: A single honest gentle touch communicates much effectively than bunch of thousands of words.

         If we consider a love as seed, honesty is its root, faith is its water supply and sex (healthy!!!) is its natural fertilizer. All of these constitutes to a well-developed and a grown tree of relationship. Has expressing love become just confined to gift red roses on valentine?  Is it just about long-drive? Is it just to write romantic poems? Is love become so stereotyped and soul-less? Under loud discotheque beats, obviously how will soft heartbeats be listened? Love is not just about impressing with artifacts like gifts/cloths at unnecessary time/place. It is all about expressing your feelings with strong conviction when it is truly needed. It is just not about holding her hand and walk ‘proudly’ in the shopping mall; it is about to hold her hand when she is lost or when she needs. It is not just about showing a romantic movie at hall; it is about showing your love portrayal filled with colors of your true emotions. It is just not about to disguise the self to impress her but it is about to dissolve the self to make her happy. It is not about winning her through words but it is all about losing the self into her happiness. Love is thing-driven for extra-ordinary man with ordinary heart but it is feeling-driven for ordinary man with extra-ordinary heart.
             So that’s the whole point, my friends!!! And it is conveyed and manifested in simplest and beautiful manner without any big trouble of titanic-weighted emotions or unnecessary complex dialogues in my personal favorite Rab ne bana di Jodi. The film was written in just 12 days and shot in 45 days by a brilliant film-maker Aditya Chopra. In today's massive flow of shallow and fabricated romantic movies, this movie shines like a drop on the leave in a tender sunshine after rain and moistens our feelings. Simple heart is not at the end of season sale. It is more exclusive than even diamond. It is priceless nowadays you know… 
[So story is simple. Due to some sudden accidental circumstances, Tani has to marry Suri (as a last wish of her father at his last breath). Girl is in trauma due to sudden series of tragic events. So on the second day itself after marriage, she confesses to her husband:

'I will never be able to love you'. 

Composed husband replies calmly:

"I do not know what love is... Today in a marriage party, as you kept my reputation among my friends (by just being present), that's love for me. Love more than this, neither am I used to nor I need." 

          Whholla!!! Just think of couples who just break up in a fraction of moment; claiming (and blaming) that their partners don’t love them enough or they are too demanding. They measure their relationship depth with their bullshit shallow expectations. When expectations (read: ego too) are less in relationships, such 'suri'edean eurekas' happen. Suri’s mind is free from all kinds of prejudice. That simplicity sees just her presence in the party as love. Wonderful!!! 

Then he adapts noble disguise of 'Raj' to make her happy and to show colors of joy. He loves her so much that he sees god in her. He is not macho guy with six pack abs but he is the ‘real man’ who dissolves his existence into his love for her happiness. He is a Rose who spreads fragrance of love after crush. He is true unconditional love-maker. He does even know how to ask for something. All he knows is to give, to surrender to a fraction of divinity he sees in her. He has never found anybody in his life on which he can shower all his love and care. So eventually girl finds herself in dilemma having two choices. One: his funny, handsome hunk and romantic lover. Two: his simple, faithful dumb husband. Both avatars are of the same person, still she is unable to recognize. She is confused... Why? If looks has been a problem, just do a make-over. Problem solved!!! But here question is not of looking but of true love. She has it, but is not able to identify or respect it. His each romantic proposal seems to her like a favor. That is why she is frustrated. So she comes over to Raj's place.

Tani: "How can you be so happy even though I don't love you? How can you love me without expecting love from me? Don't you feel pain?"  

Raj: "Pain??? Love is a blessing from God. How can it be painful?"

Wonderful thought!!! How can love itself be painful or hurtful?  It is a true and pure gift from almighty. Love can always cure. Love can always care.

             Girl decides to leave husband and to run away with Raj. But he does not panic. He decides to make his disguise as his permanent face. He is the true ‘Macho' who loves her more than himself and is ready to change himself completely just to make her happy not even for her love. Finally girl realizes what she has to: His unconditional love dissolves the separation of dream man and real man and she finally discovers gem of Suri’s priceless heart. When she admits how he can love so much even though she hasn’t love him a bit. Suri just says:

I have seen God in you. When I surrender to it, I am gratified. When I see it happy and smiling, I am just more gratified…]


Almost all the moments, starting from serious introductory scene of silent commencement of marriage life to brilliant metaphoric dance sequence along with unfolding of past scenes for girl’s self-realization; everything reiterates its spontaneity and simplicity. Be it brilliant choreography of shiamak davar or be it soft situational background music from Salim-Suleiman. Be it cheerful set of Amritsar or be it colorful (both: mood and clothes) jigari-yaara of Surinder, Bobby khosla; everything in this movie is just second to none; it just makes you feel that you want to be a part of it. 
Shahrukh khan, who portrayed amazingly both avatars of 'Ram' and 'Shyam' talks a brilliant point in this context: "When we go to purchase a car at the showroom, we look at their looks, their colors, comfortable sits, AC but we never look to the most important part, its engine. Till date, whatever popular characters of Raj, Rahul I have played, they have been so popular because behind their funny act, glamor and romance, there were no lies or ego but pure and honest heart. Suri is their engine, their heart."

"Tujh mein Rab Dikhta hain..." 
      --- Cute, simple (and romantic of course) love confessions at all religious places with wonderful angels (child-dancers). Astonishingly beautiful!!! :)