Wednesday, February 3, 2010


What is System?
It is well defined set of rules and roles, rules, designed to maintain the system protective, safe and bound, while roles to keep that system running and well-functioning.

What rules may include?
Like taxes, traffic rules, electricity bills, corporate rules or even home-made rules.

What roles may include?
Like Prime Minister, Employee, Businessman, Actor, Parents etc. even a common man itself is a role.

History shows that, no system can be well-functioned and consistent all the time, forever. No system, which may not have faced any challenge for breaking the rules and fighting for roles.

What is role?

It is the act which defines me?

What defines me?

my name? ,

my physical appearance?,
my look?,
my casuals?
No..... my job, my act, what I do, that defines me.

In every system, there is no fight between the identities but between the roles they play.
But these fights/clashes should not disturb the equilibrium of system. It is necessary to protect the bounds of system. So it needs a leader, a hero, a white knight for the society.
But what if there are no rules in the system?
What if roles do not follow the rules?
Then that is not called the "SYSTEM"

That is called "ANARCHY"....

What if two powerful representatives of SYSTEM and ANARCHY face each other. In our ancient Indian vedas, there are number of instances of "Deva" and "Danava". They are destined to fight in each era in some or other form. This clash is eternal. That's what the center point of the best thought-provoking cinema and my all time personal favorite: "The Dark Knight".....


Normally person commits crime for some notions like money, revenge or power which may be materialistic, emotional or political. His/her motive can be easily traced/determined so as eventually criminal him/herself. But, Joker (one of the greatest characterization of all time, brilliantly portrayed by Heath Ledger), the anarchist, is very different [from other criminals], hard to catch, dangerous and cruel psycho. The psycho who do not kill for any materialism. There is no specific motive behind his crime. There are only two situations in the whole film which describes him perfectly.

1. Alfred (Batman's guardian cum motivator) describes Batman a story of robbery of precious stones at Burma. which concludes: "Some people do not commit crime to gain something. But they just want to see the world burning."

2. Hospital scene: where Joker does brain-washing of Dent. At that time he says:

" I'm a dog chasing cars... I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. I just do things. I'm just the wrench in the gears. I hate plans. Yours, theirs, everyone's. Maroni has plans. Gordon has plans.Schemers trying to control their worlds. I'm not a schemer, I show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are."

The man who do not like rules, who wants to imagine the world without rules. Joker gets bored with world with rules. That is why he says, "I have a dream of world without BATMAN (Symbol of rule)." Joker is the ultimate insane voice(result) of our inefficient, biased and selfish system [here consider any system: government, company, society or even ultimately belief system itself]. His motive behind all crime requires understanding, that is why it is hard to predict his moves and even more difficult to catch and to beat him.

The first half of the film brilliantly builds the character of joker. Nolan's [Christopher Nolan, one of the most genius film-makers of all time, I believe] Joker is more frightening and unpredictable because he frequently justifies his scars in two different ways: caused by father (Why so serious ??...) or done by himself (Now, I am smiling all the time..). This ambiguous point co-justifies the two situations above. It means Joker does not have any specific agenda apart from giving some terrifying instances of chaos and anarchy to people and most importantly to, Batman....

So he chooses his way ...

"All people behaves good till they face the world and the world allows them to be. As and when the question comes to personal level, they become selfish and starts behaving bad".

That is why he says, "People want everything should go according to plan. Nobody panics when the expected people get killed. Nobody panics when things go according to plan, even if the plan is horrifying. If it doesn't go according to plan, everybody looses their mind." as because they are targeted at their personal level rather than social level.

So his point is: "When world sees person, he/she behaves good but as and when it comes to personal, he/she become selfish(sometime bad)."

So Joker plays a cruel master game of chance:
1) With batman by giving him a choice to save between his LOVE [Personal] and WHITE KNIGHT[Social]. Even Batman chooses to save his love first but as they are swapped, he mistakenly saves Dent.

2) With people by showing even their best man [Dent, The WHITE KNIGHT] can fall and become evil when he is hurt at personal level.

So here, Joker played brilliant game to show the limit of man's goodness. Batman does not get hurt and persists even though he could not saved his love. But on the other hand, Dent feels that he lost everything, so after massive brainwash by Joker by turning Dent's own belief game "fairness" (which he used to play just for the sake of fun) on itself. Then Dent owns viral and contagious belief: "That everything in the world has to be fair. If he has lost something, so as others have to."
This way, Joker tore down (the most accountable and faithful leader) Dent and tried to show the people, the boundaries of man's values or loyalty on the urge of personal threat(hurt).
But, Batman still persists.

That is why Joker tells him at the end, "You are truly incorruptible" because none of the way Joker was able to distract him to be bad."
Imagine a situation where your most trustful and accountable leader (Hero) falls down and commits crime for personal motives like revenge. Imagine a scandal, when your roll-model is caught in corruption OR any responsible (popular) minister is found to be active in some criminal engagements. That TRUTH, when revealed, there will be hardly any society will retain hope or trust in System.
Sometimes, system either NEED a hero OR it DESERVES him. Sometimes, people need more than just a reality (about scandals or crime of all their role-models and heroes did), which is: "TO KEEP HOPE AND FAITH IN LOYALTY AND MORALS. GOOD ALWAYS WIN."
So just to let keep alive people's faith and hope, Batman takes all charges and allegations (committed by Dent), shows Dent's white face to people and becomes a true legend which system DESERVES but not NEEDED him now and in a true sense he becomes

The Dark Knight...


"Joker and Batman resides inside every individual. The part who does not want to follow the rules and the part who wants everything well functioned and proper by rules."


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